"More practical experience in data warehousing than I have found in any other company."
--Karen Brinker, Hallmark Cards |
"Versatile, hands-on data warehouse practitioners."
--Aaron Zornes,
The MetaGroup |
Information Architecture Planning:
A comprehensive planning process for managing the content, meaning,
structure, and movement of data within the enterprise. |
Technical Architecture Planning:
A comprehensive technology architecture planning process which
focuses on reuse and provides a blueprint for building information systems that will survive directional changes
in your business or organization. |
The key to a successful data warehouse project:
Deliver Value Quickly and Frequently!
To be successful, a data warehouse project must generate and maintain momentum.
If end-users and management don't see
rewards in a timely fashion, their support for the warehouse may fade, and the project will be abandoned.
We keep up the pace
At Daman Incorporated, we have the methodology, tools, and hard-earned expertise to deliver
real value in a data warehousing project quickly and frequently. Constituents see the results they expect, according
to milestones. Support for the warehouse is preserved. And the project can proceed according to plan and overall
IT strategy.
We do this by balancing the development of the long term direction of your warehouse (the Program) with the short term need to deliver value (the Project). The concept is central to our Step-by-Step Methodology... proven and refined by experience since 1989. Key phases of the life cycle include: Establishing the Program; Preparing the Project; Initiating the Database; Exploring the Data; Implementing the Deliverables and Expanding the Environment.
We also have the commitment, expertise and technical knowledge to make full use of automation
tools, helping to speed the delivery of a successful data warehouse solution.
The result is proven success
Our approach has resulted in one of the finest track records in the industry for successful
data warehouse implementations, with over 65 data warehouses now in use for Fortune 500 companies.
Based on this success, Daman Incorporated offers:
- A profound knowledge and understanding of the technical, business and project-related factors critical to the success
of data warehousing
- "Business-literate" consultants who take the time to understand your data needs in terms of your organization's
strategic goals and information architecture
- Optimized, best-of-breed solutions for every component of the data warehousing effort, based on our use of advanced
technologies and strategic relationships with major technology partners
- Sophisticated methodologies and automation tools for efficient, cost-effective implementation
- Flexible client training and mentoring, including both general, full-service training and focused, one-on-one